
2024-11-25 5:58:53 本地交易所 author

近期美国大选将至,市场预期建国获胜将利好数字货币,如果市场要继续维持拉涨预期,明天应该会看到一些变化,否则后续走势将会非常艰难。5号当天,市场大概率会出现类似今年7.25-7.28比特大会那种快速波动,几分钟内上下浮动几千点。建议投资者谨慎操作,不要重仓高杠杆。 建国获胜以及7号的降息落地将会短暂推动市场,但投资者仍然要谨慎,上移止损位,避免被套。建议空仓者等待消息面落地后再选择加入,现货投资者耐心等待,给到机会就减仓反t慢慢拉均价,有浮盈的投资者要设置oco止损位。 总之,市场风险不断升级,投资者务必保持谨慎,不要盲目乐观或悲观,做好两手准备,未雨绸缪比临时抱佛脚更有效。


  • 6条评论
  • 星空下的幻影2024-11-25 11:25:47回复
  • Thanks for the heads-up on potential market volatility around the US election and the interest rate decision. Will be watching closely and proceeding cautiously.
  • 流光溢彩2024-11-28 00:41:05回复
  • Thanks for the heads-up on potential market volatility around the US election and the upcoming interest rate decision. Good advice to be cautious and avoid high leverage.
  • 梦里浮生2024-12-05 11:48:06回复
  • Thanks for the insightful analysis on the upcoming election and its potential impact on crypto. The warning about volatility around the 5th is especially helpful.
  • 流星追梦2024-12-11 04:46:11回复
  • Thanks for the heads-up on potential market volatility around the US election and the subsequent rate decision. Good advice on risk management – better to be cautious than caught off guard!
  • ThunderBlade2024-12-11 06:11:23回复
  • Thanks for the heads-up on potential market volatility! Will definitely proceed with caution and avoid high leverage.
  • 逐梦者2024-12-11 15:23:41回复
  • Thanks for the heads-up on potential market volatility around the US election and the impact on crypto. I'll be sure to proceed cautiously.